Swimming Lessons Grand Finale, Part 2

Maddie and Owen enjoyed swimming lessons over the summer, too.

Their lessons were in the early evening. It was cool to have lessons after dark. The reflection of the pool lights off the water added an element of fun to the whole affair.

Maddie is a great swimmer. The instructors reluctantly placed her in the highest level class - they were disappointed that there weren't more kids at her level. They would have preferred to give her one-on-one lessons, but there were too many kids and not enough instructors.

No matter. She had fun anyway. She made a lot of friends, and refined her skills.

Owen is also a great swimmer, but not such a great listener. :)

Owen's greatest strength is his unlimited energy and enthusiasm.

Owen's greatest weakness is his unlimited energy and enthusiasm.

He did a great job with lessons. He is fearless, and toward the end of the lessons, the instruction just starting hurling him into the pool. Literally. This ginormous swim teacher would lift my poor son into the air, swing him back and forth a few times, and hurl him into the pool. Owen flew thru the air in a fit of giggles every single time.


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