Swimming Lessons Grand Finale, Part 1

All of the Rader kids took swimming lessons this year. It is very convenient to live 2 houses away from the town pool. The kids took lessons at different times (little kids in the morning, big kids at night) - so, I am writing 2 separate blog entries.

CoCo and Ginger took their lessons with the pool administrator, Miss Chris. Miss Chris was a lot of fun, and both girls are incredibly comfortable in the water, thanks to her.

I was most proud of Ginger. At the beginning of the summer, she refused to even get into the water. In fact, I didn't even bother to sign her up for the first session of lessons. However, sibling rivalry got the best of her, and she begged us to put her in swim class as well. By the time summer sessions ended, Ginger was putting her entire body under the water and was swimming with the help of a 'noodle.' It was very important for her to be just a little faster, swim just a little deeper, and keep herself under water just a little bit longer than CoCo. And, she did it!!!

We made some friends.

They were both so brave jumping into the pool!

Finally, I just love this picture. I was trying to get some good shots of CoCo, and Ginger did everything in her power to be front and center!! It isn't easy being a princess! :)


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