My first chance was while checking out at K-mart. I found these wonderful salt and pepper shakers on clearance for 75% off. They ended up being $2.00 or something ridiculously cheap. I'm so lucky! Can't believe no one else bought them!! I was practically jumping up and down.
I got to the checkout counter, and the young woman says "What do people DO with these things? They don't USE them, do they? They can't be a decoration because they are so GROSS!"
This was a perfect opportunity for a snarky comeback, but I had nothing. I think I smiled and said something profound, like "I know, right?"
Later, I thought of all kinds of things I could have said.
Actually - that's not true. So far, I've come up with nothing.
This morning, I went to get my hair cut. I always end up apologizing to the hair stylist for my hair, so I'm used to that. "Your hair is so FINE!" and "Has your hair always been that thin?" So, I just apologize up front and get it out of the way. You would think that for my $11.00, they could say something nice.
The stylist that I saw today was brand new. It was her first day EVER! I felt lucky - new people have a lot of energy and want to prove that they can do a good job, right?
Well, I apologized for my hair and she immediately said "Are you on medication or something?"
Once again, I was (almost) speechless. I think I choked out something like "um, I don't think so," but I can be sure.
Any ideas? Usually, I'm such a smart butt. I feel like I'm losing my touch!
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