CoCo's birthday was on January 4th. Yes, I am very far behind. In my defense, there has been something wrong with the computer. It has been working very, very slowly and loading pictures has been a nightmare. And, seriously, does anyone really READ this blog?? It's all about the pictures.
Anyway, CoCo has been planning for her birthday since September (when Ginger had her birthday). Somehow, I managed to promise CoCo a mermaid cake. I'm not the most creative person in this house, but I was determined to throw something together.
The night before the big day, we all made the mermaid cake together.
I think we are on to something here --- Fruit Roll up clothes!! I'd like something in sour apple, please!
The next morning, CoCo got her ears pierced before the party (see earlier posts). Then, Aunt Jenn helped with the fingernail preparations!! (Can't be a birthday princess without pretty finger nails!!).
All the usual guests came to the party (Pap, Nana, Mrs. Amanda) AND we were so lucky to have Aunt Jenn, Uncle Matt and Kayla this year!
But, the guest of honor was......
Moses!!! Or Gingey. Whatever. All I can say is that even the grown ups fought over her.
Anyway, there was lots of presents, lots of blowing out candles, lots of cake that never got eaten (too sweet for kids who aren't used to eating cake), and lots of fun.
My baby is 4!!! Happy birthday, sweet child!
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