Scrambled Eggs

CoCo helped me make breakfast today.

I did not find a single "crunchy" in my eggs. They were perfect!

She is the most cheerful helper I have. She makes life so much fun.


Owen is the Jedi Master of Legos.

When I was a kid, I had a little book and I carefully followed instructions to build a house, gas station or church. It was important to carefully sort the pieces, because you wanted to make sure that you could easily find what you need.

Owen creates things. He gets a vision in his mind, and he creates. Cars, space ships, catapults, farm animals. You name it. He has even developed elaborate games to play with lego pieces.

This is not Owen's best creation ever. Not even close. But rather than coloring a picture out of his Transformer's coloring book, Owen chooses to give me Lego creations. This one is a sea otter. I'm not sure that I can see it, but I love it anyway. Unfortunately, he will not let me keep these creations forever. He always destroys them to build another more fabulous creation.

I'm glad he let me take a picture.

More Karate

It seems like we are going to a Karate belt ceremony now every month.

This month, CoCo finally decided that she wanted to take karate like the other kids. Previously, she had protested. Greatly. She only wanted to take the class if she could have her teacher all to herself. Obviously, that's not going to happen. CoCo is a "little samari." Their belts are different from the regular belts, but they are promoted just like the big kids. CoCo earned her first promotion in just a few weeks.

Maddie has earned her "green tip." They put a piece of green electrical tape on the gold belt. I am told that this is done as a cost saving method - rather than buying a brand new belt (with a new color - at this level it would be blue), the kids just get a "tip."

This is when karate gets serious. I had to buy her sparring equipment! It's funny, really, to see her sparring. The other kids are a good foot shorter than her. They are punching her in her kneecaps.

The other serious part is that they now learn to break a piece of wood with their foot. It all sounds a little dangerous to me.

Strawberries for Mother's Day

I am quite sure that I'm the luckiest mom in the world.

Best Friends

These two have no idea how lucky they are to have each other.

I know how lucky I am to have them!

Picture day

It is impossible to get a good picture of 4 children at the same time. Just getting them to look at the camera at the same time is a challenge. This year, rather than spending my time and energy going to a photographer, I thought I'd take the pictures myself. Clearly, I can't do any worse, right?

I took 287 pictures of the children and ended up with ONE picture of the 4 of them that is kinda, sorta, almost okay.

I did get several good pictures of "pairs."

I even managed to get a decent one of CoCo and Owen. Usually, those two can hardly stand to be in the same room together. I think it's because they are so much alike.

I got one GREAT picture of Maddie.

And a LOT of Owen's missing tooth.

Plus, many great singles.


Maddie, Owen and Ginger are taking karate lessons at Karate International, and have each earned a gold belt.

I forgot my camera the day that Maddie earned hers.

But here are Owen and Ginger.

Owen is so funny - he can hardly stand still, he's so excited.

And sweet little Ginger? She is the tiniest person in the class. Standing next to the 6 foot 4 inch, 275 pound black belts, she looks like a tiny little kitten. But, she does not let her size bother her - she is as brave as anyone, and proudly takes her spot among the rest.

I'm such a proud momma!!