Chickadee Number 4

CoCo Daisy

CoCo was a pleasant little surprise who entered our lives at a very crazy and hectic time.  We had just moved to North Carolina, Chris started a new job, Chris lost a new job, Chris started a new career, we received a referral to adopt a baby, we built a new house, we moved into a new house, I returned to work after a 2 year hiatus, and I was preparing to go to China for 3 weeks to bring home my baby girl.   All of that in the space of 6 months!   Needless to say, we were surprised.

From the start, CoCo was a joy.  She was the most perfect, sweet, easy baby that anyone could imagine.  It was as if she knew that we already had so much on our plates and that we needed a little extra joy in our lives.

CoCo has always remained one of the sweetest and most lovable children in the world.  She is full of smiles and giggles, hugs and 'crazy kisses.'   

But, around the age of 1, CoCo started getting into trouble!  Once she was able to walk, it was as if nothing could stop her.  She was (and still is) into everything!  She can run faster, scream louder, jump higher, and get into more trouble than any other child I've ever met.   The other kids started singing "Bad CoCo, Bad CoCo.  What you gonna do?  What you gonna do when they come for you!" every time she walked into the room.

But, despite all the work, she brings more joy into my life than I ever dreamed imaginable.   Not a day goes by that she doesn't make me laugh.

Chickadee Number 3

Virginia Fei Miao

Four years ago, I fell in love with a picture.   The picture showed a chubby little girl with a sparkle in her eyes.   6 long weeks later, I travel with my sister, Jenn, to bring this beautiful baby that I already loved so much home.

This first picture was taken when Ginger was first placed into my arms.

During those first couple of weeks in China, I carried that little baby next to me every minute of the day.  I was her momma, and I wanted to make sure that she knew that.   

It wasn't long before Rao Fei Miao knew that she was part of my heart.  We renamed her Virginia Fei Miao, and call her Ginger.  Sometimes we call her Ginger Bee, and sometimes it's just Bee.   I chose to drop the "Rao" from her name, as this surname is given to all children adopted from this section of China.

Once home, Ginger quickly became an all American girl.  She shows a great love for all things pink, frilly, sparkly, shiny, disney and barbie!

A few months after she came home, Ginger's "twin" CoCo was born.   They have been inseparable ever since.

Although they are best friends, Ginger often times gets very frustrated and angry with her sister.

Ginger just loves smiling and performing for the camera.  I would not be surprised if she grows up to be a singer, dancer, actress, model, SOMETHING that puts her in front of the camera!

Chickadee Number 2

Owen James was my happy little man from the time he was born.   He was a startling contrast to his older, more subdued sister.  Since then, his life has been full of dramatic highs and lows.  Most of the time, he is so incredibly joyful that it is contagious.  However, when he is not happy, there is no way that anyone around him can be happy.   

Here is one of his very first smiles.  He couldn't have been more than a few weeks old.  I've heard people say that babies don't really smile - it's just gas.  I don't see how anyone could look at this face and not see the smile.

Another thing about Owen is that he is a constant ball of energy.  Constant.  He stops to sleep and to refuel (EAT).   The amounts of food this little guy ate seemed nearly impossible.   3 or 4 bananas at one setting, entire sweet potatoes, stacks of graham crackers.   It was (and continues to be) very impressive.

When he was a baby, I fondly referred to him as "kissy boy!"   He had nothing but love for his mama!!!  It amazes me how such a rough and tumble kid can stop in mid-air to tell his mother that he loves her or to give her a kiss.   

I can't believe how quickly my little man is growing up.  

Owen is always looking for a new adventure.
And, never be fooled - Owen loves having 3 sisters!!!

Chickadee Number 1

My first chickadee is Madeline Rose, otherwise known as Maddie.   Maddie was a very serious baby - no sweet little smiles or giggles for her mama!  She was busy learning about the world around her and THINKING.  These days, she smiles a lot more, but she is still always thinking.   It is almost frightening how smart she is.   Her constant questions both intrigue and exasperate me. She has the sweetest little heart, and is always wanting to help others.  

You can almost see her thinking in this picture.  She had just turned 1.

A rare smile at 18 months.

A big smile for baby brother at age 2!

Maddie had a brief "girly" period.  Baby dolls and dressers were all the rage for about 6 months!!  (About 3 years old).

She grew up too fast!  Isn't that always the way with a first born??  This is her when she was 6.

Maddie and her guitar at age 8.

Maddie and her sisters.

My new blog

Welcome to my new blog!   I thought this would be a fun way to chronicle what is going on with the kids.  I'm hoping that they will read these posts someday and remember what a great time they had growing up (or, at least provide them with additional information for therapy!).  I'm also hoping that this will keep loved ones more connected to our daily lives.

It may take me a little while to get things up and going, but I am excited about the possibilities!!

Love to all!